Sunday 17 April 2011

Tips for a POSSIBLE successful online business

Hello once again

I just want to continue about the business I have blog about. If you haven't read my past sad business story then I suggest you should read it first so you can rely on what I am about to say here :)

I would like to give you some tips I have learned during my business adventure from the last 5 years. I hope some of it will help you achieve what you want in your business.

My Top 5 must be done when starting a business plan

1.) Investment - It is very important to know how much you have in total to start up an on line business. You should be realistic on the amount of money you would like to invest for the whole set up of your business. You've got to remember that what you need to invest in is depending on what you plan to sell on-line. .There is no point of planning if you just want to sell bits and bobs from Charity shops, Car boot sales and maybe re sell some products from high street sales which only take a few pounds to start with.

2.)Product Niche - Decide on what product(s) you want to sell. If you are just a starter or amateur entrepreneur like me then I strongly suggest you choose one product niche at a time and make your sales become stable before you add up some product niche. It is also important to know which country is your target market and so you can concentrate on what sells and what is not.

3.) Suppliers - This is another important factor when starting up a business. If I'm honest I think this is the most difficult process. As a seller you need to make sure that you will know as much as information about your supplier(s).

It is now possible to find comments about the suppliers you found offline or online so always double, if not, triple check the credibility of your supplier(s) before dealing with them. I will also strongly suggest you find a supplier that live locally and can easily contact in person as it is not cheap to send back faulty products if you have to send it abroad. Trust me! I am talking about my actual experience here.

If you know someone who lives abroad then perhaps it will help if they can do some investigations for you. Nowadays it is very easy to set up an online business and just make up anything big as possible to fool buyers so the only way to not get scammed is to be very cautious before you let go of your hard earned income. Don't let your excitement lead you. Be wise. Better to be sure than sorry!

4.) Outlet - This is the least you have to think about as we all know it's so easy to sell on eBay, Amazon and other marketplace. But it is also very important that you know your competitors. Make sure you search the completed listings on eBay (for example) if your product(s) are saleable or not. It is alsoo a must to check your competitors pricing as well as this will be based on how much you should spend on your products. Unfortunately there is so many products now that are already selling on eBay for a very cheap price so it is going to be very tough thats why my last tip will be:

5.) Marketing - Now you are ready to sell and start your business online and the last thing but another very important step you need to do is of course to market your products. This sounds very simple but yet very hard to achieve (not unless if you have good amount of money to invest on just marketing). If you are selling on eBay or other marketplace then maybe you do not need to do as much marketing as other online sellers but If you have an online store then the only way to have a good profit is for you to generate as much visitors / customers as much as you can. There is a lot of ways to market your store online without having to spend loads of money.

First - Blogging -- as you can see, now you are reading this blog and yes it works right? Next minute I hope you will check my Online Store :)

Second - Facebook and Twitter - Create your own page and whatever you put on your blogs and/or anywhere else about your business, make sure to update it on your facebook and twitter account as well.

Third - Groups. There are so many groups that you can join in and talk about your business just make sure it will not look like a spamming as you know it is prohibited on any groups.

Lastly but effectively - Word of mouth. Always make sure that you provide a good customer service as well as quality products so the power of word of mouth will help you gain more customers and achieve the sales figure you are hoping for!

I hope my business tips will help you a little bit to start up your business. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions that you think may help a small business owner like me.

Thank you!

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