Friday 26 August 2011

Wholesale Kids Children's Clothing / Girls Dresses

The Summer is nearly over here in the UK and we are all having a bit of a problem with our products because majority of our children's clothing are ideal for Spring and Summer season. Lucky for us, we have had so many good feedbacks from clients and not only here in the UK but also abroad.

Sadly our business partner who is in charged of the production are not able to make our girls dresses in long sleeve so we need to think for some other options for us to continue this Business during Autumn / Winter season.

After some research we realized that satin fabric materials are most likely to be worn during parties or get together and this is the time of year where people try to organize lots of family gatherings. We also have some fabulous designs and style for 9-12 Months Old which is fully lined and very pretty for parties.

Please do check our website in 3 weeks time as we will be launching our Autumn/Winter Collections by then.

Click here to visit our website

Monday 15 August 2011

Its NEVER too late

I have always hated going to school. I remember making any excuses I could possibly use just to skip school. I do not want to blame anyone apart from myself but if I am going to be brutally honest, I believed having no parents near me made such a big impact why I didn't feel encouraged to study well.

I grew up with just my older brother. My Mum have always worked abroad to provide us a better lifestyle. I remember being so spoiled and now I wonder how did my Mother cope with my endless requests and demands? I don't know! Bless her! My Mum is such a wonderful Mother. I wouldn't dare to change the fact that she is my Mother. She always put her children first and even until now, every time I have a problem, I can always count on her. Thanks Mum!

But sadly when I was younger, her being amazing didn't really appeal to me that much and I know its down to my immaturity (not a bad excuse eiy). Well I know we've all been through those phases and I am pretty sure that all of us have some regrets from the past, come on be true to yourself :)

I couldn't even believed I managed to finished high school. I remember being very excited on my graduation. I feel like I have accomplished something really big. Well it was so big for me because after all those amounting absences, I pulled it off. How shocking is that? :)

Anyway after graduating from high school (secondary) I took an exam for accounting course. Unfortunately my high marks on Math didn't help me get through. I failed my English exam miserably and that is why the lady advised me to take another course which is Hotel and Restaurant Management. Looking back, I am pretty d@mn sure she pushed me as opposed of advised me, how is Math and English strongly connected with HRM, I wonder? Baking and Cooking etc yeah right. Count and Measure.. that will do.

Well I still took “that” course and what else would you expect? Of course, I didn't finish the course, I don't feel enthusiastic enough. I got bored of it and it got me thinking and realized that I don’t belong there. I know it was not what I really wanted to do. I want something to do with calculations not a blinking cooking and baking. Anyway I stopped my studies and started a part time job as a crew member. It didn't really help that I had a job and earning a bit of money, it made me think, why bother studying if you could earn now. What a stupid thinking eiy!

Oh well, I finally came to my senses and I thought I still want to study but this time, I want to take a computer course. I enrolled and was lucky enough to get in. I had a fab life because I enjoyed it and I met few friends and still in touch with one of them. - Kiss the feet Pangga! Its ashamed I still didn't manage to finish it because of lack of interest I supposed or maybe lack of support from family (sorry!). I felt alone and yes, sad, very sad indeed! I felt weak and useless and having a boyfriend didn't really help as I focus myself more with my ex boyfriend than my lessons :). Silly me!

Anyway as time passed by, everyone I am friends with from my previous course are all getting a degree and there I was, still didn't know what to do with my life. Yet another years has passed and I decided to go back to study again and took a new course :) Please don't laugh! It's not really funny hahahaha..

I took Management and can you guess? Yes! You are right! I didn't finish it. But wait a minute. There is a valid reason this time. I actually got married :) I joined my husband and we had a beautiful baby girl a year after we got married so obviously studying is no longer my priority. I got a job just 3 weeks after I joined my husband. Job is OK. Gives you a bit of money and I learned a lot and still learning... I met few wonderful people whom I will never forget but its now been 7 years and ooopppsss I can't say no more :)

My daughter is now 6 years old. She is growing so fast and every time I look at her I can't help but asked myself. What can I possibly do to make her life even better than now? And there's only one answer to that. I knew I needed to go back to study and get a proper qualifications. This time I am not going to do it because I have to. This time I will do it because I want to and so I went back to college and took a course about computer and passed it. Although it didn't help me get a new job, I still believed it is a good start. It is going to be my way to a better future. I also took English but got bored so I asked politely to dropped out but I was told I can actually take the exam straight away and so I did and luckily I passed :). Last year, I finished level 2 in Accounting and this year I am going to continue it to diploma level.

I wonder, if I happen to get the chance to take accounting course after high school, would I have finished it? I don't know but I can only assume I will :)

Today I can see some young adult in a similar situation as I was before and I can't help but feel sad. I wouldn't want to tell them what to do as I myself didn't do it and I don't have the courage to do so but I hope it will still come to a point where they will decide to go back to study and get some qualifications and I honestly hope that when that time comes, they will still be able to do it.

Now, I struggle to juggle my time and responsibility as a Mother, a wife, a part time worker and a part time student. I struggle financially, physically, mentally and emotionally. But this time I am determined to finished what I have started because you know why...


Monday 8 August 2011

Ombre - a film by Jonison Mones Fontanos

I went to see my brother's film last 22nd July 2011 at the Cultural Centre of the Philippines. His "Ombre" film was chosen in Cinemalaya, not that I am an expert nor I have a broad knowledge about Cinemalaya but the fact that we are at the CCP was just simply amazing. Does it sound pathetic? :)

I don't intend to promote nor praise my brothers film (OK not that much :) But I must admit, while I was there, wearing a bloody long gown :) , feeling like a million dollar hollywood star, and hoping that my brother will get some sort of an award, I couldn't help but just feel so proud of what my brother achieved so far. I couldn't be more proud of him. :)

I would like to say a little bit about the film. Please ignore (as if you can) that Jonison is my brother. I will (try) to be as honest and impartial as I can over Ombre film.

Actually it was just my second time to watched an indie film. If I am not mistaken, Ombre is my brothers 3rd film. There's Hugot, Parisukat and yes Ombre. Although I was given a copy of Parisukat, I didn't really manage to watch it because of one thing or another. Anyway I went back to Philippines and luckily I had the chance to finally watch his latest film Ombre.

The first indie film I watched was called BAHID which was written and directed by one of my brothers close friend G.A. It was pretty good. We only watched it at home but I honestly like the story of Bahid. I know you can see that it's got a low budget but the fact that the story amazed me was just as good as watching a very big budgeted film :) --- OK G.A. You owe me one!

Anyway lets go back to Ombre.

Ombre film is a love story which is very much to my liking. I have got few criticism which I believed my brother and the rest of my family will agree. First is the introduction of the film. It didn't appeal to me that much when it started as I felt bored with a verrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy long introduction, but after that few minutes of  boredom, I was very into it especially when I had a bit of  idea of what the story is all about. I was laughing most of the times because there's one character that was well played by an actor, whom I knew personally. Second criticism is the sound because there are few secenes that I couldn't understand what it is all about due to sound error. And the third is the "hospital / clinic / rehab centre" scene, which I don't think is necessary to be as long as it was.

The story of Ombre was pretty amazing. It has got a very good twist in the end that made me love it even more and oh my, the music. Yes! Music is just perfect!

From left to right: Assistant Director Reign Loleng, Actor Zac Ferrero, Director and writer Jonison Mones Fontanos, Producer Aldrin Bartola, Actor Darwin Taylo and Executive Producer Edwin Sanchez.

There are few characters I happen to love in the end. My ultimate favourite is definitely Jobben Bello, the best friend of Darwin Taylo in the film. I must say that Jobben Bello is such a good actor, given the fact that he is just an amateur. I think he made the film even more interesting and fun.

My second favourite is definitely Darwin Taylo (I hope I got his name right :) . I think Darwin Taylo was so brilliant in playing his character and I can guess, he too knew, he did well as majority of my family and friends of our family was dying to have a picture taken with him.

The other actor is Zac Ferrero (Again, I hope i got his name right). Zac was pretty good too. I do not want to sound so bitchy but I think his accent was a bit of a problem because there were times that I can't figure out what kind of emotions he was trying to imply. Sometimes his character was meant to be angry but still his voice was still too sweet, bless him!  Having said that, after getting used to his accent, I noticed more of his facial expressions which I think helped him deliver the character very well in the end so it wasn't that bad after all. :) Peace Zac Ferrero!

From left to right: Proud Momma, Proud Sistah and Direk Joni

Overall I would say OMBRE film is an excellent film and I can assure you that you will not get bored nor be annoyed in the end. The film is about between two gay men who fell inlove and been through a lot before they manage to be together. It is a film in which you will learn that sometimes no matter how much you love someone, it can take time to be with him/her as it is best to know and love yourself first before you can love someone unselfishly.

Friday 29 July 2011

Philippine trip after nearly 7 years

I finally had the chance to go back to my home country after nearly 7 years. I was very excited and felt very certain what to expect.; the weather, the food, surroundings, lifestyles etcetera.. It took almost 20 hours journey from my home here in the UK to my Philippine home and I was very pleased I didn't even feel any jet lag when I arrived. I guess the excitement weigh more than my tiredness.

There is a lot of changes within the area I used to live and if I'm honest I am not that keen with what I saw. It was so busy everywhere and it became very commercialized. I guess its a good thing for some people who live in the area because they have an option to start a business with a huge potential profit.

I am also not particularly keen with the road now being used at all times. You can see lots of tricycles and jeepneys passing by which can be dangerous for the young children to play. I am comparing it to when I was a child.,I can still remember playing in that road without much worries because its very rare that you will see public vehicles passing by. It just goes to show how much changes it had as years passed by.

In here I moan about the weather especially during the winter and I'm sure I'm not alone. Sunshine here is like magic, every time we have sun shine people tend to looked a lot happier unlike during winter some people looked serious and miserable. In the Philippines, its a different story, the weather is very humid. Just imagine yourself in a sauna and your sweat dripping like mad without much effort put into it, that is how hot it is in the Philippines.

I love it at first because at last I am sweating, I didn't mind it much and I am sure I will get used to it again if I only stayed longer but the humidity doesn't help me feel enthusiastic at all times. I had a lot of moments where I felt so irritated and my blood pressure seems to reach the Mount Pinatubo and is boiling like its ready to burst any moment.

The shopping centres in Manila are nice and big. If shopping is your best talent :) then you must see the biggest shop in the Philippines called "Megamall", I am sure you will be the one to give up as it is very massive and one day is not enough to explore all the boutiques. Bear in mind that the shopping centres are open until 9pm-10pm everyday. There is also a shopping centre called "Mall of Asia" which is pretty good too but the open air bit didn't do much for me as the wind is not that fresh and of course very hot. There are lots of other places that I didn't manage to pay a visit to. There is Gloreitta, Greenbelt, SM Trinoma, Divisoria 168, Quaipo etcetera.

I only stayed for two weeks because I left my daughter and husband back here in the UK. Two weeks is not enough to explore Philippines. I am very fortunate that I was given an opportunity to go back in Boracay Island and even fortunate to be with majority of my family. Boracay island is a must see if you decided to visit Philippines and if you are a big fan of sea sides.

Here in the UK my husband always bring us to different sea sides and the astonishing views always fascinates me. I can say that Boracay Island is the place I can show him once we decided to go back there as family. I am very certain that my hubby and my daughter will enjoy themselves in there. The only downside is of course, given it is one of the most popular tourist destination in the Philippines, the prices are indeed ridiculously high especially If you are aware of the actual prices within Metro Manila and is also aware of the value of the Philippine peso. I guess if you compared it to our money here in the UK then it wont be as bad or even the other international currency but if you are from Philippines then you will know the huge difference.

with some of my family which is too many to mention :)

My cousin RJ 

with my cousin Troxan and Ate Eleng

We've only stayed in Boracay for 4 days and I wish we could have stayed longer. There is so much to see and explore. It is not just the actual sea front of the main stations of Boracay Island but a lot of fabulous views hidden around the actual Island. There is Puka beach which is quite far from Boracay stations, there is the boat trip that will bring you to another islands called the Crocodile Island and -oopppsss- I can't remember the name of the others lol. We didn't have much time to explore everything because we left Boracay Island at noon time and so we had to go back before it gets dark which is such a big shame :(

I don't drink alcohol and it is not really me. It bores me to death when it comes to bar, clubbing etcetera so the bars and club didn't do anything to me. It is just a simple places that I have to passed by to reach our hotel :) but I must admit there is a lot of bars around Station 2 that seems to be good. I judge it by how they played the music, loud and new :)

There is a place called D MALL which is like a small place where you can buy keepsakes or presents for your family and friends. It is not very expensive and there is a lot of selections you wish you could bring all but you must know the "tawaran" attitude. Tawaran attitude simply means asking for a discount. You will noticed that majority of the products displayed are not priced especially those products you will see located at the sea front. There is a reason for it of course, once you asked them the price, they will tell you how much and some people will just buy it if they really like it as it seems very cheap anyway but what they do not know is that you can still buy it even cheaper and that is where the tawaran attitude came in. If they say 350 pesos for example, don't just buy it even if you really like it.All you have to say is "what is the last price?" Some may say sorry that is the last price, well do not panic, just walk away and find another seller which I am 99% sure can give you a bit cheaper but if you really can't find it from other sellers, just go back to the original seller, I am sure they will not refuse to sell it to you and well lets face it, who would want to refuse a profit hey?

Anyway we bought some stuff that majority are not paid for the actual pricing point. We managed to make a deal out of it and save a bit so If we can do it, sure you can too :) There is also a lot of restaurants in "D Mall", you can see some popular fast food like Mang Inasal, Andoks, Chinese restaurant etc.. But if you are a lover of seafood and would like to pay a bit cheaper than what you will have to pay in the restaurant at the sea front then the best place to go is "D Talipapa", it is like a wet market where you can see lots of sea foods, meat / raw products, vegetables etc.. There is also a restaurant nearby who offer to cook your choice of sea food for you. We went there but my Mum didn't like the smell as its kinda smell fishy lol..

After Boracay, we also went to Laguna which offer a selections of private pool that you can hire and my family managed to find one in "Calamba". The house itself offers a varieties of entertainment, it has Karaoke :), Billiard / Pool and of course the swimming pools, one for kiddies and one for adults. We stayed there overnight and it was really nice to have the entire house with just your family in it.

Almost whole family but still not complete lol

OMBRE trailer

Overall, my two weeks holidays are good. I saw all my mones families particularly the children I used to played with but of course they are now grown ups. My Brother who made me so proud because his indie film "OMBRE" was chosen in Cinemalaya, his partner Kuya Edwin whom I love as my own Kuya. My family and closest cousin from America who apart from having 3 beautiful daughters, is still the same. I had a great sensible conversation with him which made me feel more encouraged to finish what I have started. I also had the privelege to meet the new additions to our Mones family, my sweet nieces and nephews from my cousins.

And of course, the second reason I would definitely come back soon is the Filipino food :),  from expensive restaurant to street food like fish balls, siomai, mirienda, balot hhhhmmmmmm nothing can beat the filipino food!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Reason to Live

I felt empty until you came in to my life
I felt nothing until you made me realize I could be something
I felt weak until you say "It's OK, It will be fine"

You gave me the reason to smile
The reason to laugh and even be sad
You made me lose my temper at times
but also taught me how to deal with it

Sometimes life can be so cruel
But you are always there to give me cuddle
Sometimes I felt like giving up 
but you are always there to cheer me up
Sometimes I felt so lonely and sad
but to hear you laugh just lighten it up.

You are my life
The greatest gift from GOD
My strength, My weakness

I will protect you with all my life
I will guide you the best I can
I will always love you dearly
no matter what

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Tyntesfield, North Somerset - National Trust

                                                           Tyntesfield, North Somerset
                                                              Saturday 28 May 2011

We went to one of the National Trust in Tyntesfield, North Somerset to see the house and garden. Unfortunately for us the weather was not very nice, it was raining hard so we had to wait for the mini bus to bring us to the actual house.

It only took us 5 - 7 minutes to reach the house. Although the weather was a bit annoying, the garden views still looked astonishing and the house itself has got a fantastic Gothic features which makes it a little bit extra special than the other houses we have seen so far. The house is really massive and it has got a lot of unique features and fabulous furnitures. There is also a chapel that is connected to the house. Whooaaa Can you beat that?

Well we were lucky in the end because the weather picked up a bit so when we came out, the rain stopped and we managed to explore the garden. We didn't really stay there very long but I'm sure we have lots of reason to go back. 

Monday 6 June 2011

Please vote for my cousin Sylvia Antonette