Monday 8 August 2011

Ombre - a film by Jonison Mones Fontanos

I went to see my brother's film last 22nd July 2011 at the Cultural Centre of the Philippines. His "Ombre" film was chosen in Cinemalaya, not that I am an expert nor I have a broad knowledge about Cinemalaya but the fact that we are at the CCP was just simply amazing. Does it sound pathetic? :)

I don't intend to promote nor praise my brothers film (OK not that much :) But I must admit, while I was there, wearing a bloody long gown :) , feeling like a million dollar hollywood star, and hoping that my brother will get some sort of an award, I couldn't help but just feel so proud of what my brother achieved so far. I couldn't be more proud of him. :)

I would like to say a little bit about the film. Please ignore (as if you can) that Jonison is my brother. I will (try) to be as honest and impartial as I can over Ombre film.

Actually it was just my second time to watched an indie film. If I am not mistaken, Ombre is my brothers 3rd film. There's Hugot, Parisukat and yes Ombre. Although I was given a copy of Parisukat, I didn't really manage to watch it because of one thing or another. Anyway I went back to Philippines and luckily I had the chance to finally watch his latest film Ombre.

The first indie film I watched was called BAHID which was written and directed by one of my brothers close friend G.A. It was pretty good. We only watched it at home but I honestly like the story of Bahid. I know you can see that it's got a low budget but the fact that the story amazed me was just as good as watching a very big budgeted film :) --- OK G.A. You owe me one!

Anyway lets go back to Ombre.

Ombre film is a love story which is very much to my liking. I have got few criticism which I believed my brother and the rest of my family will agree. First is the introduction of the film. It didn't appeal to me that much when it started as I felt bored with a verrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy long introduction, but after that few minutes of  boredom, I was very into it especially when I had a bit of  idea of what the story is all about. I was laughing most of the times because there's one character that was well played by an actor, whom I knew personally. Second criticism is the sound because there are few secenes that I couldn't understand what it is all about due to sound error. And the third is the "hospital / clinic / rehab centre" scene, which I don't think is necessary to be as long as it was.

The story of Ombre was pretty amazing. It has got a very good twist in the end that made me love it even more and oh my, the music. Yes! Music is just perfect!

From left to right: Assistant Director Reign Loleng, Actor Zac Ferrero, Director and writer Jonison Mones Fontanos, Producer Aldrin Bartola, Actor Darwin Taylo and Executive Producer Edwin Sanchez.

There are few characters I happen to love in the end. My ultimate favourite is definitely Jobben Bello, the best friend of Darwin Taylo in the film. I must say that Jobben Bello is such a good actor, given the fact that he is just an amateur. I think he made the film even more interesting and fun.

My second favourite is definitely Darwin Taylo (I hope I got his name right :) . I think Darwin Taylo was so brilliant in playing his character and I can guess, he too knew, he did well as majority of my family and friends of our family was dying to have a picture taken with him.

The other actor is Zac Ferrero (Again, I hope i got his name right). Zac was pretty good too. I do not want to sound so bitchy but I think his accent was a bit of a problem because there were times that I can't figure out what kind of emotions he was trying to imply. Sometimes his character was meant to be angry but still his voice was still too sweet, bless him!  Having said that, after getting used to his accent, I noticed more of his facial expressions which I think helped him deliver the character very well in the end so it wasn't that bad after all. :) Peace Zac Ferrero!

From left to right: Proud Momma, Proud Sistah and Direk Joni

Overall I would say OMBRE film is an excellent film and I can assure you that you will not get bored nor be annoyed in the end. The film is about between two gay men who fell inlove and been through a lot before they manage to be together. It is a film in which you will learn that sometimes no matter how much you love someone, it can take time to be with him/her as it is best to know and love yourself first before you can love someone unselfishly.

1 comment:

Hollerjonie said...

Thanks, Sis! Love yah. Mwah - Joni